Let’s Talk Philly are friends who inspired me to reach my dreams.

Vanessa Cuenca

Produced by Maureen Smith, Karen Cervera, and Flor Salgado.

Vanessa Cuenca is from Ecuador and currently lives in Quito, which is the capital city of Ecuador. She describes herself as a dreamer who wants to see her dreams come true, to be a light to others, and help other people. Vanessa has big dreams and goals and loves her job where she has been working for the past 13 years with her biggest goal taking her career to the next level. During the pandemic, she understood a lot about mental health and what it means with her priorities changing to more value for her family and developing in her job. She loves her career in business and entertainment where she has her own clients and has been able to do well. Vanessa sees the opportunity to develop and grow more in the US because of the available opportunities. This is a goal that she has been working on despite the barriers faced in the process.

Vanessa considers that the greatest barriers that we face is with ourselves when we do not take that risk and think that we are not able to take the next step. But when we take that risk and consider the challenges ahead that we must overcome we can achieve a lot. Vanessa expressed not wanting to leave her comfortable life in Ecuador for an uncomfortable life elsewhere but wants to do the right thing at the right time. Vanessa is also aware of some of the barriers that exist like discrimination that happen in the US and how it affects immigrants.

The language barrier has also been a challenge that she has been overcoming as well. Her job has required her to speak English. Vanessa added that in Latin American one has a relationship with the English language as a child and later on if you want to study English you have to do it on your own and consider the cost which makes it difficult. Vanessa took up the challenge of studying grammar and practicing English and when the pandemic started, she searched for English classes and found an ESL class through a connection of a brother’s friend in Philadelphia. Previously, she had visited Philadelphia for Christmas with her family and over time, Vanessa noted that her brother spoke very good English and she wondered how he was able to speak so well. Her brother advised her to take classes with native speakers and gave her the suggestion of his friend who was living in Philadelphia. The friend connected her to an ESL class where another friend connected to Manuel’s Let’s Talk Philly conversation circle and ever since has been connected to Let’s Talk Philly. 

April 2020 Vanessa was part of the first Let’s Talk Philly Conversation circle and became a facilitator in the second round of the circle. It was a challenge; she was nervous being a participant and then a facilitator. She knew the grammar but could not speak. Vanessa found this experience amazing and finds  Let’s Talk Philly as she considers how it changed her life. She felt so comfortable talking in English, not because of knowing the grammar but because it is how the circles create the feeling of friends talking. The confidence that she feels now and overcoming the fear and nervousness and the circles have changed her life. 

Vanessa visited Philly and was able to connect with members of Let’s Talk Philly and felt that sense of family, belonging and being close to others and close to her goals and dreams. She remembers having a conversation with Karen on “having a sense of belonging and family and how this sense and connection with the US has grown through knowing LTP. It has become inspiring and encouraging and builds on the goal that she has through being in the conversation circles.

Vanessa describes  Let’s Talk Philly  as a group of friends who are willing to help others in many ways; not just talking, it’s about feeling comfortable, developing trust and learning a lot of things with support that helps to take your next step in achieving your goals. 

Vanessa took a lot of challenges in her job and vacations to other countries where she needed to speak English and she did it well and did it with a lot of confidence. Vanessa mentioned that her best friend in Ecuador, talks about Vanessa to other people saying how her English is good! Vanessa would add that it is because of Let’s Talk Philly. Many people have asked her about Let’s Talk Philly and Philadelphia and in the last circle about 3 people became part of Let’s Talk Philly. She sees herself as an ambassador of LTP in Ecuador where she talks with others in her community.The same way that she was helped, she wants to be able to help others and is very proud of being part of Let’s Talk Philly

Vanessa’s motivational message to other immigrants is “we are all different with unique stories, when we open our mind and heart to others, our lives and mind could change through a conversation because there are others who could give you a light and guide us. She believes that words are so powerful, and stories are so powerful if we could talk to others, we may not solve everything, but we can motivate and inspire each other 

Vanessa is taking her master’s degree and one day her tutor was having a really bad day but with words from Vanessa, the tutor said that her day changed for good, that is why she believe that our words can motivate and inspire others.